In 2015 astronomers successfully predicted the appearance of a supernova within a couple weeks. How did they do it?
I co-founded SciCommBites to provide a bridge between science communication researchers, practitioners, trainers, and students. We are a blog site dedicated to translating the latest #scicomm research into bite-sized pieces!
ComSciConversation Editor-in-Chief
I created, edit, and coordinate this blog site through ComSciCon as a low-barrier publishing outlet for ComSciCon-affiliated folks to get their science writing to a wider audience.
AAAS Mass Media Fellowship
I worked as a science reporter covering environmental and space science at the Indianapolis Star during the summer of 2019.
I co-coordinated and contributed pieces to a project with RELATE to highlight graduate students within the College of Literature, Science, & the Arts (LSA) at the University of Michigan.
I wrote and edited new blog posts once per month for this daily astro-ph arXiv digest site run by graduate students.
Michigan Science Writers
I wrote articles and served as a content editor for this University of Michigan-based, graduate-student-run blog site.
The supernova that measured the universe (Veritasium YouTube channel)
Natural History magazine, 2020 — “When Outreach Becomes a Priority: Tracing the History of JunoCam”
Union of Concerned Scientists, 2018 — “Bringing Communication Back Into Science”
The Planetary Society, 2017 — “Then vs. Now: How the Debate Over a Distant Planet in the Solar System has Evolved”
Other written works
The following are not strictly science writing, but are pieces I’ve contributed regarding experiences related to science.
Where Were You? Your Higgs Stories Revealed — Story titled “Champagne at Breakfast”
APS FGSA Fall 2017 Newsletter — Story titled “Fall Feature: Eclipse Experiences”